Summer Fungicide Application
Jul 23, 2024

So far, the crop is looking good in this area. Most of the corn is tasseled or will be tasseled in the next week. For the most part the bean herbicide has been applied and the crop is looking very good. I have spotted a few diseases in the corn over the last week. Gray leaf spot is starting to come around and have even found a field of corn that had some tar spot. Luckily this field was scheduled to have fungicide applied in the next few days. The next weather change looks like it could be cool and wet, which would make for prime conditions for diseases to start showing up in our corn fields. Applying a fungicide now before those diseases show up would be the best idea to ensure a good crop. SFG carries Veltyma and Headline Amp for corn fungicide and they both are a good choice for your corn. Headline Amp is a little cheaper but the longer residual with Veltyma is worth the little extra cost. As always I recommend putting fungicide on every acre of beans. There have been very few times that I have not seen a positive ROI on bean fungicide. We have also seen another one to two bushels increase when adding insecticide. While the weather is cool take the time to call your SFG agronomist to come out and discuss fungicide needs on your corn and beans.