2025 Seed Planning

Nov 12, 2024

Harvest is all but done with only a few corn fields left standing. If we can dry out over the next few days those corn fields will not last long. The 2024 crop was the best that I can remember. We had timely rains to fill out the crops and the heat was never really a problem. There were some dry stretches but over all it was a good growing season.

With the harvest all but done it is time to start thinking about the 2025 growing season. One of the most important decisions we can make for next year’s crop is seed selection. This year it seemed like every hybrid had a good year, but that will more than likely not be the case next year. We cannot count on another near perfect growing season for next year. Seed selection will be very important.

The price of seed is always a factor when making seed selections. One way to help bring down the price is to buy your seed early to receive the most discounts. After the first deadline the price per unit will go up a couple of percentage points. SFG carries a variety of brands which all have great hybrids to fit your fields. SFG carries Dekalb, Croplan and Merschman seed corn and Merschman and Croplan soybeans. We also have the personnel that can help you make the right decision on which hybrid to place in which field.

We also have the ability to help you with variable rate planting to help reduce seed costs. In the next few weeks make sure you discuss with your SFG agronomist on seed selection and placement for your farms.