Have a Good Planting Season
Apr 03, 2023
Planting time is right around the corner. While in the country I have seen a lot of planters sitting outside of the shed being tuned up. Before we know it, we will see planters rolling. This will be a very busy time, but it is important to take your time when heading to the field. It is important to check seed depth and spacing at every field. It is easy to have the planter depth change while running down bumpy gravel roads. It is a simple process that does not take much time at all. A 5-minute check at each field can save some trouble later in the season. Also take the time to make sure you are placing the right seed hybrid on the right field. The bags you need may be on the bottom of the pile but it will be worth the time to do some sorting beforehand. The most yield potential is when the seed is in the bag. We cannot control mother nature so we need to control as much as we can. Be safe this spring and have a good planting season.