Fall Cover Crop Options
Aug 30, 2021

With fall right around the corner and silage starting to be chopped, it is time to start planning for cover crop seedings, especially on these early chopped fields. We have a lot of options to think about in a cover crop seeding, from seed to plant to how to plant the seed. We can get a few common options of seed, frequently used for cover crops:
- Winter Rye
- Winter Wheat
- Triticale
- Oats
- Turnips, Radishes, and Brassicas
- Mixtures of any of the above
Method of seeding must also be considered when planning to seed cover crops. We can spread cover crops with an airplane with this year’s crops still growing in the field, get you the seed to drill after this year’s crop is harvested, or mix seed with fertilizer and spread after harvest.
If you are considering cover crops talk to your local SFG Agronomist about options that will work on your farm for this falls cover crop seeding needs.