Fall Fertilizer & Micronutrients
Aug 29, 2022

There are many benefits to applying NH3, P, K, and micronutrients in the fall to your crop fields. Often the soil is drier in the fall, leaving less compaction behind equipment with fall application of fertilizer. Any compaction that does occur in the process of fertilizer application has a chance to “freeze out” with frost cycles over the winter.
Fields are ready to plant when it warms and dries up in the spring. You do not have to wait for your ag retailer to get to your field to get the fertilizer on. You have beet the rush giving you several advantages over your neighbors that did wait until spring to apply.
P&K have a chance to attach to the soil before often heavy spring rainfall, reducing runoff of our valuable needed nutrients. Fertilizer also has a chance to break down and is plant available earlier in the growing season.
Historically, fall fertilizer is less expensive than spring applied fertilizer, saving money which is critical to survival in today’s ag economy.
Fall applied fertilizer has many advantages to spring applied in most of our trade territory. Talk to your local SFG agronomist to get your fertilizer applied this fall and also ask about variable rate applications using yield potential data.