August Crop Update
Aug 28, 2023

The past week has changed the look of our crops drastically in some areas of our trade territory. A couple of weeks ago we had excess moisture. It appeared crops were set until harvest, with most being dark green and rapidly putting nutrients into seed. How rapidly a week of 90-degree weather changes our crops.
Many corn fields have fired up the plant to the ear or above, which has started many sileage choppers in the last few days. The crop on these plants still looks excellent with a lot of fields being close to black layer, but the lack of rainfall during this heat has dried our soil. We will need a good rainfall to ensure good test weight and quality kernels of corn.
Most of the bean fields that I have been to recently have 3 bean pods filled about halfway up the plant. The top pods are fairly flat, with several 2 bean pods that need moisture to fill out. Some fields are beginning to look white from rolled leaves. I have noticed that many of the fields which had fungicide applied seem to be looking less stressed and greener.
A weekend rainfall would turn many of these concerns around. Yield potential still looks to be excellent in corn fields, as pollination and kernel fill look to have been good in most of our area. The soybean fields that I have looked at in the last couple days seem to be holding onto the plants with few being aborted.
With or without rain, harvest will be right around the corner. With the array of weather that we have been handed this past summer it will be more important than ever to get out in fields doing push tests and checking ear shanks.