Consider Cover Crops This Fall

Aug 14, 2023

August is almost gone and with that everyone is getting geared up for harvest. In my travels this week I have talked to a several growers that anticipate being in the field harvesting corn before the end of September. I have also talked to growers that are considering baling some cornstalks this fall to help bridge the gap that the short hay harvest has left us over the summer.

On those fields and others that are classified HEL I would strongly suggest the use of a cover crop this fall to get something back out on those fields to provide cover and erosion control. Cover crops can also scavenge nutrients left behind from our cash crops, and a cereal crop can take up the excess nitrogen that is left in a field while providing good cover for ground going into winter.

Cover crops don’t have to be a complex mixture of 5 different seeds, they can be as simple as just winter wheat, or cereal rye or a combination of seeds such as oats and radishes that will winter kill and don’t require any chemical management in the spring. At SFG we have a full line up of cover crop products from LaCrosse Forage’s Soil First line up. We can provide you a single type of seed or a mix to fit your specific needs on your farm. If you would like to discuss cover crops more or are interested in getting some cover crop seed for your farms this fall contact your local SFG agronomist.