Planning for Spring
Feb 15, 2021

It may not seem like it, but spring will be here before you know it. Before long the snow will be melted off and wheels will be turning in the field. While we trudge through the last few weeks of cold weather, now is a good time to make sure we are prepared for the upcoming season.
Now is a good time to sit down with your agronomist and make sure you both are on the same page. Going over maps is a good way to start. Let your agronomist know if you have taken out any trees or expanded waterways. Let them know if you are planning on seeding any areas down so something does not get sprayed that shouldn’t. Make sure you know what hybrids are supposed to be placed where and what populations to use.
It is also a good time to go over your chemical programs. Make your agronomist aware of how you want your fields scouted and how often. Point out any areas in your fields that may have been a problem in the past so we can come up with a solution to fix the problem.
Now is also a good time to make sure that field entrances are easily accessible. Are there trees that need to be trimmed or gates that need to be unlocked? Having a plan in place and communicating with your agronomist will make the 2021 season go smoothly. We can avoid any problems and have a safe season by taking the time to make a plan now. Take some time to speak with your SFG agronomist in the upcoming days to make sure everyone is on the same page for this season.