January Recap

Jan 15, 2024

As I write this article, I am watching the snow blow and observing how miserable it looks outdoors. You might be wondering what good all this snow could even do. Well, how many times in 2023 could we say that we had a lot of precipitation in a one-week timeframe?  Very few chances come to mind. Not often has one of heavier moisture events of the year come in January. We might not like it, but given our moisture deficit, this snow is a blessing.

However, this dense snow layer will help to prevent the ground from freezing by acting as an insulator. Even the extremely cold weather that is in this week’s forecast will fight to add frost to the soil. This will hamper the freeze thaw benefits of the bitterly cold temperatures, leaving us with the soil changed very little. Further, we will not get the benefit of the frozen ground killing off some of the insects that overwinter in the soil. That said, I am confident that the benefit of the moisture from this snow will far outweigh the negatives. Our soil and surface water totals are at some of the lowest levels in many years.

Take this cold weather as a time to go over results of last years harvest. Review the products that showed returns. See what touches can be added to your agronomy plans for the 2024 crop season. Do not be afraid to call your SFG agronomist to get those plans updated. Even in the frigid temperatures, we’re here to help your farm be as profitable as possible.
