Cost-Effective Weed Control

Jan 20, 2025

We are right in the middle of planning for 2025 and input costs this are being looked at very closely. Chemical programs are being reevaluated for cost-effectiveness in terms of weeds killed per dollar spent. We are all aware of the continued struggles with resistant weeds, especially waterhemp, so we want to make sure your chemicals are getting the job done.

SFG has a full line of chemical products that will keep your fields clean this year. One of the products we are utilizing is a soybean pre-emergent product called Preview. Preview is a pre-mixed product that utilizes sulfentrazone and metribuzin. Both products have residual activity in the soil for those small seeded broadleaves like waterhemp. We also add metalochlor, commonly known as Dual, for a third mode of action in residual control. Combing preview + Metalachlor and following with your choice of Enlist or Liberty program gives you a very solid weed control program and seldom do we see the need for any spray cleanups.

Depending on the program used, we can get 5 different effective modes of action against waterhemp on the same acre. This slows the spread of resistance and allows us to use certain chemicals much longer. Reach out to your SFG agronomist and ask about your chemical program for the 2025 growing season.