Fungicide for Increased ROI
Jul 05, 2021
Besides a few areas that received some storm damage, the crops in this area look very good. The corn has a nice dark green color, and the beans are starting to canopy. Some may think that the crop is pretty much made if we keep catching rains and we can sit back and relax. This is not the case. Now is the time to start thinking about how we can get more bushels in our bins this fall.
Fungicide is a great way to put more money in your pocket this fall. Applying fungicides to beans is pretty much a no brainer. We consistently see a 4 to 5 bushel increase in bean yields when fungicide is applied at the r3 stage. It is also a good idea to add an insecticide in with the mix as we have seen a synergistic effect on yield. Fungicide on beans with insecticide costs between $25 to $33 per acre. With a 5-bushel increase we would see a net return of around $30 bucks ($12 bushel beans).
Corn is a little different when it comes to fungicide. It is a good idea to speak with your seed salesmen to see if the hybrids you planted show a good response to fungicide. If a certain hybrid has a high response, it is a no brainer to go ahead and put the fungicide on. High response hybrids can show anywhere from 15 to 30+-bushel yield response. Again, the fungicide will cost between $25 to $33 per acre. At just a 15-bushel yield increase with $5 corn we could have a net gain of around $45 an acre. In corn-on-corn situations a fungicide is a must. It is also important to scout your fields for any disease pressure that may warrant a fungicide application.
The crop is looking good and there is a lot of opportunity out there to put some extra bucks in your pocket this fall. Take some time to talk to your SFG agronomist to line up your fungicide application in the next few days.