Increase Yields with Fungicides
Jul 25, 2022
For the most part everything is all caught up in this area and the crop is looking good. Next weeks cooler temperatures should help with corn pollination and there are also some much-needed chances of rain. We are close to finishing the crop off but there is still something we can do to get a few more bushels in the bin.
You have probably been seeing crop dusters out flying over fields applying fungicide. It is not too late to put some fungicide on your corn. There have been reports of tar spot seen in the area and if it is present it needs to be addressed. It is better to be pro-active than re-active. Veltyma is a great fungicide that has a long residual that will get you through till black silk. No, Veltyma is not cheap, but it is a far superior fungicide than the older ones that are still available. Applying Veltyma will run right around $36 applied. This may seem like a lot but even with a 15-bushel boost (which is the average) it will still give you an extra ~$39 an acre in your pocket. It’s a good time to scout your fields to be looking for diseases. Also give your seed dealer a call and ask about the hybrids that you planted to see if they show a good response to fungicide.
Beans are a no brainer when it comes to fungicide. I recommend that every acre be applied with fungicide. Fungicide on beans will consistently give you 4 to 5 bushel increase in yield. Miravis Neo is a great product that will cost right around $32 applied. We have found that putting in an insecticide for an extra $4.50 will give you an extra bushel. So, with a 5 bushel increase we can expect a ROI of ~$24 an acre. Before you sit back and relax take the time to call your SFG agronomist to discuss fungicides on your corn and beans.