Finishing up application season

Jul 29, 2024

Its hard to believe that half the summer is gone already. Post-spraying on soybeans is wrapping up and I expect that next week will about finish that up aside from some fungicide work. A good portion of the corn has already tasseled and has had the fungicide pass on it as well. Overall, corn and soybeans both look really good in my area, and as we wrap up application season August is a great time to get out there and look at fields.

At SFG we always do a close-out report to complete our agronomy plans for the year. Looking back on everything we have done over the season and evaluating what worked well and what we need to look at to do better next season is very important. It also gives us an opportunity to look at ear counts and pod fill on soybeans to get a rough idea of what we might be looking at for yield potential this fall.

As we wrap up application season I encourage all growers to contact your local SFG agronomist and set up a time to meet for a close-out and to look over this years crops.