Optimizing Corn Yield

May 17, 2021

“Is there anything I can do to optimize my corn yields with the prices we are seeing today?” A question that I hear daily. The simple answer is: Yes.
There are a few easy and economical things that you can do to ensure that you have given the plants enough nutrients to optimize your corn yield. The Field Forecasting Tool is an inexpensive investment to let you know what the limiting nutrient is for your corn plants on your individual fields. With tissue samples taken at V5 and tassel it also gives us information that can help get any deficient nutrients to the plants that will start producing returns this crop year. The tool also uses a database of many years of plot data to make sound recommendations to optimize returns on your side dress nitrogen application. The tool also helps us in recommendations of adding micronutrients or sulfur if needed with the nitrogen or as liquid foliar with a fungicide pass closer to tassel to optimize returns.

We have several ways to add additional nitrogen to the corn throughout the growing season: We can spread with our newly acquired RoGator dry machine, side dress liquid, or can use an airplane to get dry nitrogen applied.  We can also add SRN to fungicide applications closer to tassel. 

Talk to your local SFG agronomist about ways that we can increase corn production on your farm.