SFG Platinum Spreading

Nov 27, 2023

Fall work is in full swing in the Smith Fertilizer and Grain territory. We see the light at the end of the tunnel on anhydrous application and are getting more acres of dry fertilizer lined up. We have continued to grow our variable rate technology (VRT) programs and more producers are taking advantage of the benefits. All fields all have variability in them, and we can find the areas to maximize crop production in fertile areas while minimize inputs in tough areas. SFG’s Platinum Dry Spreading program uses this VRT data to save you money and provide a superior return on investment.

SFG Platinum Dry Spreading looks at soil sample results and yield data, or potential yield data, to make dry spreading maps that only put fertilizer where it’s needed. Through soil samples, we find the tough, low-producing areas of the field. These low-producing parts of the field will never warrant the hundreds of pounds of fertilizer they generally call for, and you will not see a return on your investment. Also, if the samples are high in good areas, we want to make sure to keep fertility levels high. We can accomplish all this by analyzing soil samples and yield maps.

For Platinum Spreading, soil sampling is a requirement. With the benefit of VRT we can return that extra cost with lower input costs in areas where fertilizer and lime is not needed. Yield maps are not a requirement as we can use other information such as CSR ratings and satellite imagery instead, but yield mapping is the best as it shows for sure where the field is producing the most crop.

I will go out on a limb and say if you give an SFG Agronomist a chance to analyze your field we will be able to find areas to produce more crop and give a positive return on investment from increased management. We have staff specialized in fertilizer recommendations, so give SFG a call for your 2024 fertilizer needs.
