Stabilize Fall Nitrogen

Oct 11, 2021

Harvest has begun in southern Iowa, and aside from a few rain showers it has been running pretty steady the past few weeks. Before long beans will be out and cooler weather will set in, so I wanted to take a few minutes today to discuss stabilizing fall nitrogen. Putting NH3 on in the fall has many benefits, from reduced work load in the spring to less compaction due to typically drier soils. It is important to stabilize this nitrogen to ensure that it is there when our crops need it most. At SFG we carry a few different options on NH3 stabilizers to fit customers needs. N-Serve has long been the standard in Nh3 stabilization and still is today. We also offer FunctioN and N-Zone, which offer some benefits to soil microbial activity as well. The bottom line is no matter what product is used they all are effective at stabilizing nitrogen and provide us the best chance for ROI on our nitrogen investment. If you have questions on fall stabilizers or would like to discuss adding one of these products to your fall nitrogen program give you local SFG agronomist a call.