Fall Anhydrous Application
Oct 30, 2023
Fall Anhydrous application is getting very close to starting here in South Central Iowa. As of 10/29/2023 the 4-inch soil temperature was under 50 degrees for the SFG trade territory. This comes from Iowa State University soil temperature information. Under 50 degrees is when we are safe to start fall NH3 applications. With the current weather forecast of colder weather and the use of stabilizers, I would be comfortable with applying nitrogen starting this week if the ground is ready to go. We got rain we needed last week to add moisture to seal the anhydrous. I expect applications to start this week and really cut loose next week as long as temperatures stay in the 50 degree area.
SFG also has the capability to variable rate apply anhydrous. This made a difference this year because field variability really shows up with lack of rainfall. The good areas of the field continued to perform well, and we need to be feeding those areas with more fertilizer. This will increase ROI in all parts of the field. SFG John Deere No-till bars have the capability to variable rate and it’s just another way SFG is making a difference out in the fields. Ask your local agronomist about the benefits of variable rate nitrogen and how to maximize your fall NH3 applications.