Order 2024 Seed Now

Sep 18, 2023

Combines are starting to roll. So far, yields have been very good. Most growers that have started are telling me that the corn is doing better than expected for how little rain we have received. One grower told me that he was excited to get into his late season corn since his shorter season corn was doing well over 200 bushels. He’s hoping to get done combining by the end of September so he can get started on the next season.

Like many of our customers, he wants to take advantage of the early discounts that many seed companies offer when ordering corn and beans for the next year. One such company is Dekalb. Dekalb has always offered an early order discount for their seed. This year they are offering an additional incentive: If seed is ordered by October 15th, they are offering 100% replant compared to the 75% replant that has been offered in the past. This may seem early, but it will give you peace of mind, knowing that you will be covered if a replant is needed.

While combing corn this fall keep track of what hybrids are doing well and what hybrids are not yielding like they should. Take the time to visit with your SFG seed agronomist to put together an early order to get your 100% replant.