By Taylor Banks There are many ways of using cover crops in a cropping system. These are some of the ways that work best in Southern Iowa.
By Derrick Hoodjer Using stabilizer in the spring can help ensure and give us peace of mind that nitrogen will be in the root zone when corn needs it. Reach out to your SFG Agronomist to talk about...
By Jason Jensen As we are looking at products for 2022, we need to look at what value that product will bring to your operation, and what may be lost in returns if that product is cut when trying...
By Greg Willer Seed will not be getting any cheaper between now and planting time so take the time to talk to your agronomist about getting your seed booked.
By Taylor Banks Whether we are using NH3, UAN, or Urea we have products to stabilize all three and we only get one chance to stabilize. With nitrogen costs being at or near all time highs it means ...