Spring Chick Feeding
Apr 29, 2024
Spring is upon us. The livestock are having their young. Baby chicks are hatching in incubators and being shipped out to customers. Customers are getting meat maker chicks started so they can be ready to butcher before the heat of the summer sets in.
When feeding meat maker type chicks, feed access is critical. The chicks need to be on full feed to maximize their growth potential. However, the feed should be pulled away completely at night to prevent the possibility of death by heart attacks. Also, as the chicks get older, elevate the feed and the water. This strengthens their leg muscles which are crucial to hold up their bodies during rapid weight gain. Some meat-maker chicks can be ready for butcher as early as 6 weeks of age.
When feeding ducklings, non-medicated feeds should be used. The medicated feed will kill the ducklings. Turkeys need higher protein feeds to develop to maturity. Typically, around a 28% crude protein ration.
Whatever your chick feed needs may be, contact your local SFG office and we’ll be glad to help you out!