Time For Fly Control

Mar 07, 2022

Spring is approaching and warmer weather will follow. Warmer weather is typically good; however, it also brings nasty pests, like flies, to irritate our livestock. Feeding fly control products reduces the number of flies that will harass the livestock during the summer months. These products are ingested by the livestock. When they defecate, the flies lay their eggs in the manure. Additives like Rabon, Altosid, and ClariFly in the manure make the fly eggs infertile. That infertility interrupts the fly life cycle thereby reducing the number of flies to harass the animal. Fly control products should be started in early spring and fed continuously through the fly season for the best results. 

To find out more on what fly control products SFG has to offer and how they can help you, contact Scott Goetz in the Milo area at 641-218-4015, or Mike King in the Albia area at 641-218-4232.