Forage Testing
Nov 29, 2021
As I write this blog the day before Thanksgiving, we can be thankful for the very moderate weather we have been experiencing so far this fall. But we all know that can change very rapidly and we need to be ready to provide adequate nutrition for not only the stage of the livestock’s production cycle but weather conditions as well.
Utilizing forages and knowing its quality presents the largest opportunity for ration cost-savings on the farm. Over the past year, farmers have faced many uncontrollable factors that affect forage quality. In our geographical footprint we experienced conditions from very dry or drought to excessive moisture and everything in between. Due to the increasing cost of commodities, basing rations around forage quality will provide the greatest opportunity to control your costs but still provide excellent nutrition for your livestock. That information can only be supplied by having your forages tested. Be sure that your test results include fiber digestibility, since feed intake, rumen volatile fatty acids, rumen pH and rumen microbial protein production are all directly impacted by the digestible fiber of your forage.
Getting your forages tested can provide peace in mind knowing you are providing your livestock the needed nutrition at the best possible cost and savings. Contact your local SFG office to discuss forage testing and supplementation.