Fall Calving Supplementation

Sep 18, 2023

If you’re a fall calver and are weaning in October or November, be sure to keep the following in mind. Lick tubs, complete feeds, and top-dressed mineral packs are vital for the success of your herd.

Utilize lick tubs to help replenish vitamins and minerals in your heifers. We offer Brigade stress tubs in 250- and 60-pound tubs. We also offer Kent tubs in 250- and 50-pound tubs. These tubs are molasses-based and contain 

You also want to make sure to control stress in your calves. We have stress feeds in pellet and meal forms, complete feed and additive, available from Kent and Hubbard. The complete feed can be fed in addition to hay. The stress pellets can be fed at a rate of one pound per head per day, ideally mixed with SFG Grain Mix at your farm.

For a more concentrated approach, Hubbard offers StressGuard Starter Pak Plus. This product is fed at a rate of a half-pound per head per day. This is a wholistic, non-medicated product that contains the standard StressGuard ingredients, but also includes Integral and Bio-Mos 2 to support performance and nutrient utilization.

For our Kent customers, we offer Kent Performance Primer. This product is fed at a quarter-pound per head per day. This product contains Kent’s Nutrivantage technology, along with yeasts, BetaMOS, vitamin E, and organic trace minerals.

For more information on how SFG can help you with your fall calving and weaning needs, give our Feed Office a call at 641-932-2100!