By Mark White By now the corn is what it is and more rain or more heat really won’t matter much. A lot of beans would still benefit from another shower as they finish filling.
By Mark White A major issue right now is nervous speculators. They are still long both crops, especially corn. Some of this money has been in place a long time and the fear of going upside down m...
By Mark White Last week the USDA released their August WADSE report. The average trade guess on the corn yield was about 2 bushels less than the July report. Once again the USDA surprised everybo...
By Mark White Thursday’s WASDE report. It is expected they will adjust the average yields in this report. The question is which way and how much.
By Mark White Computers have replaced the live outcry at the board of trade and computers do not let emotions affect their decisions. They do what the are programed to do. I think this is one rea...